Take a look to the right and you'll find a new lineup of student blogs for Winter Term.
This term
LBCC's Journalism program is offering Feature Writing (JN217) and Media & Society (JN201). Like most other departments on campus, all the Journalism classes are already full.
As part of their coursework, students in these classes will publish their work on their own blogs. Check out some of the student journalism from last term as well.
The Commuter also is fully staffed and looking forward to working with students new to writing, reporting, editing and photography. Numerous students are enrolled in the Journalism Lab (JN215A) and the Design and Production Lab (JN215B), where they contribute weekly to both the printed edition of The Commuter as well as the online site.
This promises to be another great term. The staff of the Commuter is looking into attending another journalism conference this spring, possibly the Associated Collegiate Press convention March 3-6 in Los Angeles.
Finally, The Commuter and LBCC will once again be host to the annual Collegiate Day conference organized by the
Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. This event, May 6, is a one-day journalism conference and awards program for the state's college journalists.
So there's a lot going on in the months ahead!
(Photo credit:
"extreme sports and blogging" by Will Lion, courtesy of Flickr.com/Creative Commons)